To Ensure Patient Safety

We believe that nothing comes close to patient safety inside an OT. Our commitment to building the safest medical products drives all our manufacturing decisions.


Anti-bacterial UV Glass Coating

All light rays pass through UV-enabled VentekSafe Glass Coating which helps in preventing bacteria formation in the surgical field.

As much as 9.7% bacteria reduction has been noticed by our customers, after an hour of continuous surgery.

Say no to bacteria transfer

Maximum protection against transfer of bacteria with our sterilizable Autoclave Handle. One-touch lock/unlock handles ensure minimum germ spread.

Total protection against rusting

7-tank anti-rust chemical washing. Epoxy Nano-Powder Coating saves the lighting system from metal oxidation post fumigation.

0.3mm Antibacterial coating prevents biofilm formation

Risk of cross-contamination is reduced majorly with our antibacterial film on controller keypad, wall panel and external handles.